Internet browser problem.
In order to access e-Banking, your browser must support JavaScript.
Please change your browser settings and try connecting again.
Activation of SoftCert / SuisseID succeeded
Your software certificate is successfully activated.
You can now log onto e-Banking with the certificate
Internet browser problem.
Your browser currently does not accept cookies. In order to access e-Banking, cookies must be allowed on your browser. Please activate cookies in your browser settings.
For your information Mandatory input More security with logout Activation code Password updated SMS code Enter PC description See you in e-Banking again soon
The SMS code has been resent to your mobile device. The new password must be between 8 and 32 characters in length. Enter the user name. This is case-sensitive so make sure the CAPS-lock key is not pressed. Enter the password in a secure mode. This is case-sensitive so make sure the CAPS-lock key is not pressed. Do not share the password in any way with a third party. Enter the phone number in international format, i.e. +41771234567. Please enter the activation code you received by post. Your password has been changed successfully. Enter the software certificate Code A you have received by post. Enter the software certificate Code B you have received by post. Enter the contract name. This is the name with which you log into e-Banking. Enter your date of birth. Specify the date as MM.DD.YYYY or select it from the calendar. Accept the terms and conditions. With accepting access to e-Banking is granted. Enter your current password. Do not share the password in any way with a third party. Enter a new password. Do not share the password in any way with a third party. Confirm the new password. Do not share the password in any way with a third party. Enter the requested matrix code. Consult the printed matrix, use the letter for rows and the number for columns. Enter the SMS code you received on your phone. Optimised login process requires a binding-cookie to be installed on your computer.
Binding-cookie may be removed in e-Banking under 'Services > Settings > Access'.
The last e-Banking session didn't come to an end with a click on the logout link.
We recommend you to click first on the logout link and then close the browser window to end the e-Banking session.
Your e-Banking session has ended. Contract upgrade available There are additional features or authentication methods available. In order to use them, please activate them in your app settings of the following devices: Contract upgrade available There are additional features or authentication methods available. In order to use them, please activate them in your app settings of the following devices: Contract upgrade available You have new authentication methods/features available which require activation:
Mandatory input missing Login failed Locking failed You have been logged out. Your session has timed out. No device registered. Server not responding. Failed to process request Activation failed No device registered Missing answer The passcode is invalid. The matrix code is invalid. The SMS code is invalid. The SMS code has expired The photoTAN Code is invalid Incorrect login details Invalid username Missing identification number Invalid password Missing password Invalid phone number Invalid activation code Missing activation code Security answers length validation Invalid contract number Missing contract number Invalid date of birth Missing date of birth Pending disclaimer acceptance Pending acceptance Invalid current password Invalid new password Missing new password Invalid confirmed password Missing confirmed password Invalid passcode Missing passcode Invalid matrix code Missing matrix code Invalid SMS code Missing SMS code Password mismatch SMS code Code missing Device name missing Device name invalid Device unreachable Wrong code entered Timeout Device activated App version invalid Your device has been successfully activated. Would you like to open mobile banking? You have reached the maximum number of contracts per device. You have to remove at least one from the list in order to add new contract. Are you sure you want to cancel this process? You will need to start again to successfully activate your device. Your device has been successfully activated. Biometric protection is already configured on this device. Would you like to use it to access your banking? Biometric protection has been successfully enabled for your Mobile Banking App. Device certificate invalid pushTAN code rejected All available features or authentication methods have been activated.
Please log in again. Your user ID or password is incorrect. Please note, for security reasons your contract will be locked after three unsuccessful attempts. Please supply values for all the mandatory fields. You must enter a valid identification number. Please enter your Password.
If you forgot your current password, you can order a new one by selecting 'Password' below.
A new password will be sent to you within the next few business days.
You can also lock the contract by selecting 'Lock contract' .
Please enter your Mobile Banking password. You must enter a valid SMS code. Please provide valid photoTAN code. You must enter a valid matrix code. You must enter a valid phone number. Please enter the number in international format (e. g. +41771234567). Enter the next passcode from your security list. Your user ID or password is incorrect. Please note, for security reasons your contract will be locked after three unsuccessful attempts. Enter the user name. This is case-sensitive so make sure the CAPS-lock key is not pressed. Enter the password in a secure mode. This is case-sensitive so make sure the CAPS-lock key is not pressed. Do not share the password in any way with a third party. Access is not authorised for this username. Please enter the correct passcode.
Please enter the correct matrix code.
Please enter correct photoTAN code. Please enter the correct SMS code or request a new one.
Request a new SMS code by clicking on 'Resend SMS code' .
Please enter the activation code you received by post. The maximum number of resends has been reached. Please enter the correct credentials. This username is only permitted to log in with a CLX.Sentinel stick. Contract is accessible only via Offline-Tool. Password recovery not available for this contract. No registered channel for delivering a confirmation code. Please provide a correct answer to at least one question in each group. The server failed to process the request.
Press the 'Back' button to return to the home screen and try again.
If the problem persists, please contact the help desk.
We are available from Monday to Friday (excl. bank holidays), 08:00 to 17:30
The server is not currently responding, please try again. An error has occurred. You must enter your current password. You must enter a password. You must confirm the password by entering it again. The new password is not valid. Please try again. Your password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one digit and must differ from the old password. The new password is too long. Please try again. The entered passwords do not match. Please try again. The new password matches the old password. Please supply a different one. Please enter your security number. Please confirm the security number by entering it again. The security number does not match the confirmation security number. The new security number may only contain digits. Please try again. The new security number must be at least 6 digits. Please try again. The new security number may not be longer than 12 digits. Please try again. The activation code is not valid. Please try again. Please enter your activation code. This activation code is no longer valid for use. The new PIN and/or password must be different from the PIN and/or password previously used. You are not able to log in via this page because your contract is configured for different authentication controls. The Personal Identification Number (PIN) does not match the confirmation Personal Identification Number (PIN). Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) cannot start with the number zero. Please select an alternative PIN. Your Personal Identification Number (PIN) cannot start with the number zero. Please select an alternative PIN. The phone number is incorrect. The phone number already exists. Please enter a description for this PC. In order to use e-Banking, you are required to accept the Terms and Conditions. Master password Missing phone number In order to use E-Banking, you are required to accept the Terms and Conditions. Please enter the code or request a new one. Please make sure your device is connected to the Internet and request a new code. Please enter the correct code or request a new one. You did not enter the code in time. Please request a new code. There is no active activation code. You can not activate this device. Your device is now activated. Would you like to log into Mobile Banking? Your device is now activated. Device activation failed. We could not verify your code, please check that you entered the correct one and retry. The activation code for your contract has already been used in attempt to activate another device. Certificate error. Please enter a device name. This name is already in use. Please select a different name. Device authentication failed. Device name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / < > [ ] { } * . ? : ; - | & ' " Authorisation failed An error occured when processing the login request. You will be forwarded to 3rd party application. Please try again later. You need to define at least three Security Answers in each section. The code is not valid, please check and fill it again. The activation code is not valid, please check and fill it again. You must ensure you have entered 3 or more characters in each answer. The version of the app on device you want to use for login is not supported anymore. Please update the app. Contract is already bound to device. Device certificate for your device is not valid. The login code was rejected on the mobile device. Please restart login.
You have successfully connected.
Should you require any assistance, please contact our e-Banking Help-Desk at +41 62 835 77 99.
You have logged in successfully.
If you need assistance, please contact us.
Desktop login cookie was not created because you reached maximum number of allowed desktop cookies. In the settings section the existing cookies can be deleted in order to create a new one.
You have left AKB e-Banking.
For security reasons, we recommend that you carry out the following steps:
Clear your browser cache, as certain browser data is also stored on your computer.
- If you have printed during your session, delete the PDF files in the directory where your browser stores temporary files.
- For more information, see the safety instructions on our website.
Your mobile banking session was terminated.
Do you have any questions about mobile banking?
We are happy to help you:
After locking, you can no longer use this e-Banking contract. A contract can only be unlocked by the bank. Do you really want to lock the contract?
To add another contract and have access to their accounts and information in your E-banking, tap on the button below.
How to obtain an SMS code
Hints to log in with photoTAN
Here we provide hints on how to use photoTAN.
The following login authorisation code has been sent to the device selected. In order to login to e-Banking, please confirm on your mobile device that the code shown below matches the one sent to your device.
If push notifications are switched off on your device, please open the app to access the code.
Device activation
Download the app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store. You can use the corresponding QR code below for this.
After successful installation, open the AKB mobile app and click on "LOGIN". Follow the instructions to set up your device.
Scan Cronto image with Digipass device to login
Enter code shown on Digipass device
Password Recovery
Security questions
Please provide a correct answer to at least one question in each group. Inputs are case sensitive.
Password Recovery
A new password was generated for your contract. When you receive it, use it to login and change the password.
You have logged in the first time with your new e-Banking password.
For security reasons, we ask you to choose a personal password. Your personal password replaces the password that you received from AKB. You have logged in using E-Banking password recovery. For security reasons, we ask you to change the password.
How do I select a secure password?
Your password must be at least eight characters long and contain at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one digit and must differ from the old password.
Your current matrix card is about to expire, inhibiting you from logging in until receiving a new card in the mail.
Do you really want to order a new matrix card?
The phone number must be activated before it can be used for e-Banking.
Activation code required
Please wait for the activation code. The activation code will be sent to you.
You have successfully registered your mobile telephone number.
You will receive a letter from us in the next few days with an activation code.
You will need the activation code the first time you login to Internet Banking.
If you use e-Banking on the same mobile device as the one used for receiving your SMS code, the security of your access is impaired. Please confirm that you receive the SMS code on a different mobile device as the one used for the Login.
We are continually evolving E-Banking and use technologies that are only supported by modern Internet browsers. Your browser needs to be updated for E-Banking to work best.
Your E-Banking is not enabled for this browser. Please use an alternative browser.
Allow access to {0}
Please confirm that you give the following abilities for the given contract number:
Any information and data provided and used directly and indirectly in the performance of this Agreement shall remain at all times the property of the bank.
Failed to validate client credentials
Client credentials could not be validated.
photoTAN activation is still pending.
For this, you will need your activation letter for AKB e-Banking, which will be sent to you by post, and your photoTAN device, which you will receive by separate post. Delivery of the activation letter takes approx. two working days. Have you already received your activation letter? Then you can start the activation process by clicking on "Next".
If you have not received your activation letter after around two working days, please contact our e-Banking Help-Desk on +41 62 835 77 99.
Activate Digipass Photo TAN
Digipass device name
Scan the photoTAN graphic from your activation letter for AKB e-Banking and enter the displayed activation code in the field below. You can then confirm by clicking on "Next". Please also follow the instructions on your photoTAN device.
Activation code
Now scan the photoTAN graphic displayed on the screen.
You have now successfully activated your photoTAN device.
Activate your device
In order to use AKB e- and mobile banking, you have to activate your device once.
Define device name
You can create a personal device name to identify the device you are using. Alternatively, you can use the default name.
Replace device
You have reached the maximum number of activated devices. Select a bound device that you wish to replace with the new device. Please note, you will not be able to use this device for login anymore.
Would you like to replace an existing bound device with this new device. Please note, you will not be able to use this device for login anymore.
Replace existing bound device
The activation code will be sent to the device below. If this is correct, tap on 'Next'.
Please select a device below for the activation code to be sent to.
If your desired device is not shown, please go to the desktop banking to add a new one and start the activation process again.
Please select a number to which we can send an SMS with your activation code.
Please select a number to which we can send an SMS with your activation code.
Please select a number to which we can send an SMS with your activation code.
If the phone number you wish to use is not listed, please contact our e-Banking Help-Desk at +41 62 835 77 99.
Manage Biometric
Biometric enabled Biometric disabled TouchID enabled TouchID disabled FaceID enabled FaceID disabled
Contract upgrade available
The following additional features or authentication methods will be activated:
Do you want to continue?
Contract upgrade available
Following features or login methods are now available for you: